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- Here we are at the Singapore Flyer!
- The Yakult garden, from the 2nd floor entrance
- And that's how it looks like on the back
- The capsule is filled up with about 15 people before...
- Crossing the "Aero" bridge over the Yakult moat
- They even have nice compass maps with can double for Kacump Puteh snacks as well!
- Then it's off to the Lollipop!
- Some nice shots of the wheel at the shopping area
- Some bridging shots
- they shut you in for the whole ride! (theres only door handles on the outside)
- Courtesy of these Mitsubishi heavy duty torque motors (12 of them to be exact)
- The first highlight the Singapore GP Pit and starting Grid
- Then you get to scan your card to enter the holding area
- Finally some things to see!
- Here comes our capsule of death!
- So here we set off on our 50cm/second journey
- And everyone's all comfy for the ride, we get air conditioning and 2 entertainment screens!
- Here we are at the top of the revolution
- As it gets darker, the blue glow in the capsule becomes more noticable
- I peek with my little eye
- Some of the long stretches to the queue area
- Here we spot a UFO calling spire
- The last of the waiting areas where groups are dispatched in capsule groups
- And we are still just leaving the station!
- And down we go!
- Here we are at the central boarding "hording" area
- Capsules are enclosed so no kids can fall off hidden holes!
- Boarding of the capsule is done without stopping the wheel
- There are even nets to catch disgruntled falling hordes!
- More of the little circle thingy which make big circle thingy go round
- About 10 minutes and we are 1/3 into the revolution
- Back to the city view (west)
- And the sun is setting!
- Rawwr I am angry capsule on your tail...
- On the rear we have Temasek boulevard in the background
- The night is approaching and we are still climbing up!
- The wheel lights are on past 7pm
- It still looks like day on the east side
- Nice view
- Everyone rushed for seats at the start, 5 minutes later, no one was on them!
- View of the capsules from the 2nd floor
- Standard security checks before entering
- A view just as fine as art
- I never got so interested in Ferris wheels before, but oh well just being the kids I was!
- Act like you are on the flyer!
- In you go for your Gr8 Moment!
- The 2nd of the waiting areas for umm. pre-ride photos
- Presumably rigged to our capsule roof top compass as well
- To get on the giant lollipop, you need tickets!
- Ok, That is all folks! Remember to check out my article on the flyer itself!