- that gotta hurt! XD
- hanging by the moment
- ogres, meaning...
- Live shows!
- it's a heavily themed Setpoint suspended coaster
- fancy merlion
- taking to the skies
- what to expect on the Interactive map
- madagascar's on the left
- Do not feed your dinosaurs flares
- wands of all types here!
- & of course nomables!
- whizzbees!
- wonder where I get posted to?
- from pre-printed booking sheet
- Platform 9.75 is a hot thing in KGX today!
- The shuttle bus from Walford Junction
- Summer flowers!
- Here we are!
- flying cars, yep perfectly normal here
- the attraction shuttle ~30mins freq
- nicely themed
- Bon Voyage at 2 quid a pop!
- tickets GET!
- entrance musings!
- the attraction entrance
- to beat the usual counter queues
- Connection in London
- The WB HP main lobby
- multimedia guide GET!
- which cools the conservatories
- But first a giftshop visit!
- omg queues!
- complete with floaters!
- you can be up there...
- with entrances right at the ticketing booth
- With views overlooking the ECP and Marina Bay
- welcome as what john hammond would say
- where water storage is cardinal
- a hot set!
- the horde!
- air conditioning controls the climate here
- honeydukes and frogs!
- A dino themed Zamperla carousel
- the full collection!
- are YOU ready?
- wands everywhere!
- now to the hot stuff
- Lots of Indian culture info boards & statues here
- equipment for all houses!