- flyer_construction
- singapore_locale
- also known as the Hall of the Guards
- of the Capetian royal palace..
- and prison
- ...
- You get to appreciate the tower more climbing up
- a defunct chandelier
- speaking about arches!
- You have to be there yourself to experience it all
- paying your respects
- Yup lots of sculpty :3
- Inside the cathedral
- 1944, no wonder it's made out of WII tanks!
- The Chapel is only surviving building...
- The paid areas of the cathedral
- more pillar thingies
- Yup right at the top!
- next stop, the Conciergerie!
- Few last ones of it's kind
- The front entrance
- The Notre Dame!
- and what do we have across here?
- the main altar
- all laid out on the outer interiors of the cathedral
- it's one of the largest surviving medieval parts of the Conciergerie
- There are many items on active display
- Closeup of the roof exterior
- The La Seine, Paris
- funky chandeliers
- with every window telling a tale
- Look at the detail
- This cathedral makes my gothic checklist
- with circling outer walkways
- we have statues and such
- They say a Hunchback lives up there
- Looking up!
- and the exterior of the apse
- complete with it's own Gargoyles!
- finest examples of French Gothic architecture
- The cathedral's internal arches
- at the central area
- Out in the wilderness!
- Next to the Palais de Justice
- light a candle?
- Close up of the stained glass
- Lets check it out!
- showcasing the flying buttress design
- Back outside!
- Several displays line the sides of the cathedral