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- you have 5 minutes!
- Xmas Decorations by it's facade
- Xmas carnival style!
- With the notorious key to the gun store
- with the double gate and door system
- with plenty of coke!
- with first hand experiences from inmates themselves
- who then escaped through a fan vent
- who knows they might be free men till today
- Who goes in never comes out! wahahaha!
- Which is actually not much of a gate!
- where you will be given these audio guides
- where exercises and games are held
- Where are we now?
- Welcome Indians!
- We came from there!
- We are on time!
- Water fountain squirty thingies
- walk walk walk!
- Visitor waiting areas
- View of the Pantheon from the Luxembourg Palace
- View from our Hotel
- very interesting indeed
- Up at Cluny!
- Underground access under the Charles de Gaulle