- iceland-whale-watching-023
- and we are in!
- iceland-whale-watching-009
- Some where too small to be noticed
- goldcoast city 026
- Going dodo over dodos
- Oh what we have here?
- the monorail serves all the 5 disney parks here
- Welcome to St Fags! And drive carefully!
- This ferries wheel is not for the faint of heart!
- iceland-whale-watching-004
- Teddy bears attack!
- Past the St peter ad Vincula & the Tower hill memorial
- iceland-silfra-gorge2
- The destination after a long rail trip
- we came from there!
- taiwan-taipei-101-26
- Sloth de-evolution?
- Dinosaurs are best kept on the walls
- iceland-silfra-gorge-bottom
- ahoy space mountain!
- Mm sparkly!
- Most skeletons are suspended alongside the walk
- here we see a demo of POI
- Interesting underground shops & food places
- A tour around the neighbourhood
- The river side!
- Woo sunset already?
- taiwan-taipei-101-06
- next we have arty & the primus in action.
- Any band with uber chrome instruments floats my boat!
- A group shot in our of the many rooms
- Which means more sights of the same kind!
- taiwan-taipei-101-09
- Flashed!
- iceland-whale-watching-018
- Did I mention it was a Christmas sale?
- taiwan-taipei-101-10
- complete with paw prints!
- tunnel vision!
- And up pops Oxford Street for shoppin'
- What's in for dinner?
- iceland-whale-watching-034
- circus-circus-adventuredome-008
- Even this dino agrees!
- singapo-singapore-chinese-cultural-centre-23
- taiwan-taipei-101-33
- look sharp things!
- remember to belt up.
- Though the place seems to be rather