- & sixth ship to bear the Albans name
- 1 Beer mate! Mate?
- a dockside park
- A gallery overlooking another
- a long red stick indeed
- a metal collector's paradise
- a modern Venice indeed
- a popular jogger & cyclist route
- a preserved warehouse goods lift
- a reflective sight to behold!
- A rundown the sculpture wing
- a sight to behold
- A view never to get tried of
- Active ferry services roam the thames
- Ahha, I think it's here
- aka known as Canary Wharf
- All for the marina
- and a buzzling nightlife
- And back to the lobby!
- and Christmas tree lights!
- and gosh these things are huge!
- and onward to the galleries!
- And overview of David and the gang
- And sculpture garden!
- and shiny!
- and that's one hot ship!
- and the alliances sought
- and they are pretty affordable
- and various construction works in the area
- Any China collector's dream
- apparently, each small gallery here is worth up to millions of pounds. :3
- Artistic impressions of a frozen London
- Back to the museum lobby
- banks, high end shopping
- Behold glass which is stained!
- boats, swords mmmm
- boy that looks comfy..
- buildings boat buildings!
- bunkers
- but not after crossing a few bridges
- but nothing beats the main grand entrance
- by the limehouse basin
- Cartoony!
- cavernous indeed
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