- yup, we got the right building...
- zap zap zap
- zippy train!
- Zippy!
- Yup, as the sign says...
- Yup, the right Trump!
- Yup, the one on 5th Avenue. :3
- Zoom zoom back on the cab!
- Projector check!
- Nesh getting this "yo baby" style right
- Our programme for the night
- We have our disco lights in check!
- First with the roll call for all our invited guests
- Which summons party aliens from another galaxy!
- And up goes the event banner!
- We have our buffet dinner in check!
- Everyone's busy at the pre-event setup
- We have the SP deejays group to spin tunes for us
- Here we are at the ballroom!
- We are off to welcome the guests for the night!
- And man the crowd comes pouring in!
- More funky aliens
- And the party is on!
- Well, almost everybody lol!
- Nesh preparing his intro speech
- More last minute preps before
- looking spunky!
- Picture perfect!
- What's better than spitting horses?
- But it's actually called the Burj Khalifa
- there is Peilli?
- where is Peilli?
- You can't tell this is an entrance!
- rotainstll07 0095
- Overview of the various rotaract groups in the event
- Post event photos with our president!
- On the water!
- A shot of Nesh's Bones and our exco badges
- Here we have the official presentation of posts in the club
- and more!
- Signing of post event signature cards!
- Topping up our cashless RFID tags
- The place is mainly open for kids though...
- The Hotel Burj Al Arab in the background
- Starting with an UPHILL climb?
- Uber splash!
- 10 point slide exit!
- The Al Raha Mall
- We will be heading up there!
- 4x4 Wheels check!