- And of course, no marina mall is complete without dolphins!
- Oh look more lifestock!
- Its more confusing using chopsticks from the instructions. :P
- This is the only way up and down to the upper floors
- left or right?
- Shaun
- The woods transitions to a gravel path from here
- More grazers of the bahh! kind
- Terrence and more of his anti-gravity moments
- Our next stop for the day! The Heritage center!
- Digging the view here of the creek!
- Display of traditional Arabian jewellery
- It's a small little condusive town, with an excellent visitor's center
- And off we go!
- Bye Coniston!
- The boat have proper dining areas
- The souk markets
- Did I mention... cloth?
- And coins
- Cyclops is with us!
- I believe I can touch the sky! :3
- Here we are at Coniston!
- Niffy!
- Each showcasing part of the history of the house and Dubai itself
- Arabian stamps, which much a british influence by the east india company
- Bastakia!
- awww doggie like stratches!
- close up of the mountains in the vicinity
- Taking a stroll by the Creek walk
- lake on the right
- The creek is a nice sailing spot too
- docking at one of the mid stops
- They have detailed replica models to boot too!
- grazers, they are everywhere!
- side effects of awesome views includes the inablity to read maps and german.
- plotting our next evil step in world domination
- The "old man" in the distance
- Time for dinner at a local seafood restaurant
- including all it's loose bits
- That's all for today folks!
- Checking out the BBQ for the night
- Ooo narrow staircase to where?
- to our next dock stop!
- Lawl, random jeep loaded on random Dhow
- Talking about a red carpet entrance!
- we were treated to traditional Belly dancing
- Apple-tard
- And the matching left!
- Complete with old buildings and a creekside walk
- River taxis berthed by the Temple creekside