- & the matches start! (day 1)
- *grug* *grug*
- 1000-islands-ontario-01
- 1000-islands-ontario-02
- 1000-islands-ontario-03
- 1000-islands-ontario-04
- 1000-islands-ontario-05
- 1000-islands-ontario-06
- 1000-islands-ontario-07
- 1000-islands-ontario-08
- 1000-islands-ontario-09
- 1000-islands-ontario-10
- 1000-islands-ontario-11
- 1000-islands-ontario-12
- 1000-islands-ontario-13
- 80% orange, 20% vodka won't go wrong!
- a better view of the lower storey seats
- a john high on vodka
- a scene of utter chaos
- a view from the room's balcony
- a view of the "chalets" still wondering y don't they have TVs
- a view of the playing booths
- a walk in the park
- aideyos!
- all board the cg express.
- all in hand it was a good party, wait for the next one dudes!
- and good bye short hair!
- and here come the shots!
- and heres day2
- and the party's on again
- another exterior shot
- as you can see lots had been spent into acostics of the theatre
- better view of the waterfront area
- boxers in arms
- buddy, sor
- celebrating the 2nd catch of the day
- cg :)
- close up of the stage and mini performance
- could be here...
- couldn't get enough of this...
- couldn't get enought of him
- couldn't just enough of this?
- dad
- damn the human traffic..
- defcon-2019-032
- domes from the fullerton bridge
- drunkard's pt of view
- e-zone's comps at ready souped up to the latest hardware, not to mention sony flatscreen CRT screens!
- entrance to the main lobby
- even the plasma screen's hooked up to the event