- yup, Night at the museum
- zoom!
- Power Tower!
- you get some really good swing on the ride
- with the exception of potentially smashed testicles
- you will be drenched by any of the passing water hazards
- 1-1 scale blue whale
- ...so-called human species
- iceland-silfra-gorge1
- Top thrill Dragster synced traffic lights at night
- yay for over exposed flash image!
- yo niger!
- The lincoln memorial all lit a night
- A Huss Giant Frisbee
- A percussion group playing on the roof
- iceland-silfra-lagoon
- iceland-silfras-dive-031
- what's a streak which is blue?
- I spy with my little eye..
- Cedar Point!
- iceland-silfras-dive-028
- iceland-whale-watching-005
- iceland-whale-watching-001
- iceland-silfras-dive-027
- ahoy! coasters spotted afar!
- America's Coaster Nation!
- The New York City's American Museum of Natural History
- Aw's Space Spiral's spiraled today :(
- where is the Capitol again?
- iceland-silfras-dive-033
- iceland-silfra-lagoon2
- ah a crest!
- iceland-whale-watching-010
- tickets get!
- iceland-silfras-dive-029
- iceland-whale-watching-025
- iceland-silfra-gorge3
- with spires on both ends!
- an Awsum B&M inverted coaster
- Downtown Pittsburgh at night
- iceland-silfras-dive-034
- all board the Sky Ride
- That's all for the newseum! see ya folks!
- which literally goes over the edge!
- But Disaster Transport's operating!
- iceland-silfras-dive-032
- not to mention Chinese too
- the tight helical turns
- The Giant Wheel by the beach
- iceland-silfras-dive-030