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- some attention to detail
- The quidditch cup
- it will be a forest in no time!
- and the accompanying snitch "egg"
- and observation deck
- more random musings
- South African plants
- just like in the movie
- indoor cafe
- with a zen touch!
- the lower-most floors of the dome
- The event rooms
- loads of portraits
- the house sword
- just beside the main flower bed
- Dumbledore's Office!
- plenty of bloomers here!
- and they are surprising season independent!
- continuing on the tour
- info screens dotting the exit
- giftshop!
- our next conservatory!
- the cloud forest!
- Ganesh the king!
- this greets you at the entrance
- the tallest man made waterfall
- Note the 3 tiered office
- desk detials
- notice the sorting hat?
- there are many little easter eggs
- overtaking the birdpark record!
- mystical!
- it sort or sparkles in view
- little movie items
- mind the slippery-ness!
- the plunge pool
- "hot wands" on set
- the dome is similarly climate controlled
- the set exterior
- spot the air-con vents
- our next stop...
- in a very non-intrusive manner
- the unique inter·twining broadwalks
- spanning several levels
- looking spunky!
- The "mountain" is a concrete structure
- the potions classroom
- love the detail
- housing several floors of info-booths
- and simulates a highland "mountain"