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HomeSports & RunsPost Mizuno Wave Run 2007 (Mizuno mud walk)

Post Mizuno Wave Run 2007 (Mizuno mud walk)

Bedok Reservoir

Hey I am back from the mud walk ummmm 2007 Mizuno wave run. If you’ve ran the event this year, I believe you will have quite a little too many comments on the organisation of the event. The morning started with a heavy downpour in the morning, which slowed gradually over time and eventually turned into a light drizzle at the start of the event.

Race Conduct
People who arrived right on the dot do not even know where are critical event points such as baggage points. My start was late with the horn already blown when I rushing to the last available truck to desposit my bag (the other truck started turning down deposits). Then to the start point and started my race before the fun run started. Furthermore, there was not clear demarkation of the Finish/Ending point. Though there was a giant Mizuno inflatable there, anyone could have mistaken it for an interval checkpoint as encountered mid race. Many countinued running after crossing the “end line” only to come across the gun timer 20m behind and strangely greeted by a GRC event finish line on the right and a dragon boat event thereafter on the left.

Run Congestion
Noticable bottlenecks in the race would have to be the bridge at the starting point, which is already expected. Otherwise, it’s difficult to overtake at the reservoir with the path made narrower with the addition obstacles and puddles. The organisers should make a point to close 1 lane of the the road on the tarmac stretches instead of forcing all to run on the 2m wide pavement. Most runners naturally found their way taking 1 whole lane anyway (on top of running on the grass as well), so either way, most of us made our path if not overtaking would be a very tough feat.

Route & Excellent Medical Coverage
The organisers did not establish the 5km route on the map, publishing only the 10km route which strangely, was changed at the last minute without notice. I believe many runners were shocked to hear that the race had ended at the park and some even carried on running towards TP stadium where the race “was” supposed to end. Marshalling was pretty bad with many of my 5km runners friends (not one, 2, but even 4-5) suddenly finding themselves running the 10km route. I don’t think it’s their sense of direction which is questionable as I personally do not come across a filter or clear signs for the 5km route myself on my 10km route.

Commendable are the very well spaced medic points and staff there. Medical coverage is very good indeed.

Da mud soaked shoes... dang!

Largely due to weather factors, most of the Reservoir trail are covered with obstacles, puddles and mud patches. Making running rather hazardous with the added need for runners to dodge them and making themselves a hazard as well. Luckily on my course, no one fell, tripped on the trail, if not it would be disastrous. You won’t have ran the race without bringing a part of Bedok Reservoir home with you- either on your clothes, legs and of course lots on your shoes!

Horrible VGO Customer Support
Adding to the confusion at the race was the lack of customer support from VGO corp themselves prior to the race day. I’ve made several calls over the past week about the 5km fun run route and confirming the availability of baggage collection, but never even got the chance to reach them at all- either being directed to an unknown extension, put on hold by the reception for ages or simply not bothered to pick up the phone.

Baggage Collection
If you have desposited your bag with friends, or used the TP stadium lockers, you are in luck. Many thought the end point was at the stadium and ran there only to find the place empty (including me). It was only through word of mouth and on stage anoucements where most found out that their bags are actually parked in the corner carpark of the park “end point”.

Baggage Collection Woos
Baggage Collection Woos
Queues at the event
Queues at the event
Goodie Bag Queues
Goodie Bag Queues

Bag distribution has to be one of the worst I’ve ever encountered- a typical case of dumping everything into 2 trucks without giving a thought how are they to be returned- which turned out to be rather birazze too. To stop crowds from raiding the trucks, one was kept shut for 30mins (effectively shutting out and putting everybody on wait and crowding at the carpark). While the other truck had all it’s contents unloaded – onto the wet grass, puddles and mud-soaked grass.

There were only 4 staff there faced with a horde of angry people waiting for their bags. Despite their attempts to check tags before issusing bags, there are limits to what they handle- Bags which were uncollected upon calling their number (one by one) are placed on the ground pile (which many were also left lying around unattended). Everybody was searching and rampaging through the pile like searchng for lost treasure in the ground, anybody could have taken any bag they wanted.

Goodie Bag Collection
This has to be the highlight of the event and just re-literate the point that if queuing is up as an olympic sport, Singapore would not only be champions, but so for consecutive years to come. Unlike last year’s race with dedicated individal queues for all shirt sizes, the queue this year is all lumped into one – both for competive and fun runners. Also as known, there is a shortage of goodie bags for the ladies due to the inablity to meet last minute surge in registrations.

Moreover, due to the organiser’s inablity to meet up with last minute surge in registrations, non-competitive runners are given a very varied mix of Mizuno attires, ranging from older dry-fit singlets to cotton T-shirts. Unlike that stated in the event brochure.

I believe this year’s race is a let down for many especially for those running the event every year. You can see (and occasionally hear) the unhappyness painted on everyone’s faces), especially with the large attendance this year going disappointed. I personally feel this year’s race is one of the worst Mizuno races ever.

Overall: 2/5
Verdict: Worst Wave Run I’ve ran in ages. Ok if it’s already muddy and wet, just don’t give us the need to run with compasses and let us have our bags – Both of them!

Running Mileage for the week
Mizuno Waverun 2007: 10km – Sunday
Total Mileage for week: 10km
Total 2007 Accumulative Mileage: 576.64km


  1. i was disappointed tis mrng when i woke up d downpour was heavy, so didnt go for the run.is it still possible to collect the singlet and goodies bag?do u hav any info ie contact number/email? cos my frens and i all thought d event would b canceled

  2. Wah lau! Lis U never go and run (and bring home a piece of Bedok Reservoir) still want to get goodie bag? Really buay pie sie leh 😆

    I do agree with Shaun that the organising is really bad esp the baggage collection part and the queue management for the goodie bags with queue lines all over the place.

  3. I totally agree one of the worst run I took part so far. I am very sad to see so many runners suffer do not know where was finish line.Fun runners spoil the competitiverunners.

  4. damn it really is screwed up. My friend ended up running 16km! lousy marshals. Kiasu uncles and aunties were even filling up their bottles witth free milo. I dun think i wanna take part in mizuno anymore.

  5. After reading the last years review, totally agree that its the worst organised run. Actually I think the Milo is for the Aljunied GRC Walk-a-jog. So only bottle water is provided for the run, not even isotonic drinks!!

  6. Hey I think those who were “distributing” (more like an auction to me) the bags were actually runners themselves.. they had the white number tags on them! i.e. no staff to handle the bag collection at all???

  7. What a disappointment the Mizuno Wave run was yesterday. Very badly organised. I did the 5km run after having laid off for some years due to family commitments. Now that I have decided to come back to running, I “run” straight into the most disorganised run ever. 🙄

    There were several bottlenecks along the path from the stadium to the park. Where the heck was the finishing line for the 5km? There were no marshalls to advise us. I ran along with the rest of the runners until I got onto the canal and road and then realised that I was well on the 10km route. I stopped to ask a marshall who seemed to be a Chinaman and could not speak English. My Mandarin was just as bad and we were like a chicken and duck trying to communicate. In the end, I decided to walk back to the park. I also met a few other just-as-confused 5km runners.

    Luckily I was early to collect my goodie bag. Queue was not very long then. There were several people who did not know where to collect the goodie bags. To make matters worse, there was also another function by the Aljunied GRC where there were so many old folks hanging around the stage area despite Daniel Ong telling them not to.

    If Mizuno runs are going to be like that, as mentioned by the other runners, then I may think twice about participating in their runs.

    Oh, by the way, I did not get a Mizuno running singlet (as stated in the registration form) but a polo t-shirt instead. Another disappointment. 😡

  8. This was my first 10km in Singapore (I’m from South Africa) and what a disappointment! I don’t even know if I finished the whole race! Does anyone know where the finish line was? At the giant Mizuno inflatable, at the clock or anywhere else?

    Still looking forward to competing in many more races in Singapore to come! Thanks for all the usefull information on this blog.

  9. Hi wen, yes some did not get the advertised singlet as it all distributed due to batches and availablity. The rumors of VGO unable to meet the shirt demand at the last min, sprouted a last minute mix of old and new Mizuno attires.

    Hi Anet, don’t worry and don’t have this badly organised race spoil the rest of your running calendar in Singapore. You can look forward to the 10km mens in the standard charted marathon at 2nd Dec 2007, otherwise, next upcoming runs would be the Army half marathon (with 12km events) 26th Aug and New balance realrun (October, with 10km and 15km events too).
    These races esp the Standard charted one are the strongly recommended ones to take part this year.

  10. yea, i was wondering about the goodie bag too.. i thot they are supposed to give ALL registered runners a ” Mizuno Limited edition event singlet”. was doubting myself until i came home and look thru my application.. what a crappy piece of cotton tee shirt. could get that outside for less then $10,
    Then checked on the route and yes it says.. start and end point at Temasek Poly!

  11. Hallo,

    LOl. I agree with you on ALL the points mentioned.

    -running in the mud
    -missing baggage trucks, then missing bag
    -time queuing for goodie bag longer than my running time

    I enjoyed this run, being my first, anyway! cheers.

  12. The comments you have posted are accurate. Organization was haphazard. The guy standing behind me in the goodie bag queue remarked “it takes longer to collect the goodie bag than it does to complete the race”. How true!

    Thanks for keeping your blog up-to-date with useful info.

  13. Hello runners. I think the organizers were in tethers because of the construction site at the supposedly entrance back to the reservior which subsequently created chaos for everyone not to mention the clash of the GRC and dragon boat event.

    The direction of the run should be reverse so that pple can run on the road first and then as the faster ones come back to the finishing line, it wld not be congested and many of us wld not have the problem of muddied shoes.

    I am sure the pple concerned will prevent this from happening next year and we should all give our support as some of you have done for the last few years.

    I am sure the senior MD of Mizuno was equally disappionted.

    I may go for the MT Faber run next year. Was that better organized?


  14. Yup I agree with you all!!!
    This is my 1st running event. I had sign up for the 5KM Mizuno Fun Run. Could not find the point turning into the Temasek Poly Stadium for the finish point… so end up running the whole 10KM:???:

    Was shock to see the goodie bag queue soooo long! The funny thing is I spend more time queuing for the goodie bag then running:!:

    I guess there is something to learn here. Hope that the Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon will be better!


  15. Hullos

    Juz thot to share a joke with you guys..

    Me and my friends were late, took our own sweet time to run, went 1 round while the competitive runners were finishing, and the marshels were wrongly directing all competitive runners to the finishing point when i’ve done only 5! Believe i ran past the finishing line, then realised that i was on the wrong route, detoured and continued.

    Ended up my friend said my name was called up for the ninth placing! Not bad for a late-comer-cum-slow-runner!

    Any1 knows if they post the results online? Trying to see if they got over the mistake!

  16. I don’t even call this event a “run”.It’s more like a adventure or obstacle run.The reason to this is because the organisers choose bedok reservoir as the event location.Was kinda of disappointed as i thought the previous races was held in urban locations such as kovan and hougang which is quite unique.And i agreed with most of you that the organisers did a very poor job in not using any of the roads for the runners to run and gave no choice but to “squeeze” in the pavements which can only hold 2 runners side by side at the same time.Luckily during one point of time whereby i sprinted at the side of the road and therefore managed to overtake other runners.
    As the bag deposit part,it was screw up too.When guy announced that the race is about to begin shortly,everyone basically “threw” their bags into the truck which i felt quite sorry for the guys in the truck who were supposed to help in arranging them.At the end of the race,i was quite lucky in finding my bag as it has a unique colour.And if you want to take part in running events in the future,try to bring a colour that is not so common(like black)Haha…:mrgreen:And the reason i managed to find the location whereby the organisers dropped off our bags is because we asked the one of the guy from the organisers.Do not hesitate to ask any questions as you might end up suffering.
    Now to the ending point part.All the organisers did a putting up a inflated balloon that says “mizuno wave run”.Not much people really knows whether it is a midpoint or ending point.What they should do is to put up a “end point” instead.I only managed to know that is because somebody told me the end point is after passing the balloon.
    Lastly is the goodie bag collection.On that day there were so many tents set up including some event by the GRC on the same day,so many were confused on where exactly to collect the goodie bags.When i managed to collect my goodie bag,i was disappointed the singlet was blue instead of orange which was indicated in the brocedure.When i went back to approach the same lady whom i collect the goodie bag from,she told me they could not control the colour of the singlets which was given out to the runners.Well i accept that explanation but when i saw some other runners who collected the goodie bags later than me who got orange colour singlets,i asked the lady whether she can find for me a goodie bag that contains a orange colour singlet.She didn’t think about it and just told me “Sorry,we can’t do that”.That is poor service.Luckily there was a runner who wanted to exchange for a blue singlet with a orange one and i did the exchange with him.
    Overall i would say the whole event was very poor,and the rain just made it worse which i felt sorry for the organisers because they cannot do anything about it and almost everyone put the blame on them.
    As for whether i would be taking part in the event again next year,as long as it is not being held in some place like bedok reservoir i would consider otherwise i might just give it a miss.


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