Radical Curiosity: In the Orbit of Buckminster Fuller is a temporary exhibition at the Singapore Art Science museum focused on the life’s work on the life work of the investigator, inventor and visionary. Let’s go through a gallery journey at the Marina Bay Sands Resort with an exhibition walkthrough.

Furthermore, the galleries flow through a journey and universe of Buckminster Fuller. At its core, the exhibition is a learning one. It covers the various inventions, thoughts and initiatives of the inventor of its time. Also, Fuller has worked across multiple disciplines. This includes art, architecture, design, engineering, metaphysics, mathematics and education.
A learning gallery
Moreover, you start off with a large timeline wall covering the various milestones in Fuller’s life. Buckminster Fuller lived from 1885 to 1983. Also, notable ones include major disruptions in human history like 2 world wars which Fuller lived through, and perpetual third world war.
Also, the galleries follow through in a circular clockwise manner following the layout of the galleries in the art science museum upper third floor galleries. Notably, these galleries are usually used to host small and photographic exhibitions. The galleries here lead on to covering serval posters and theories he developed which goes into shaping the modern buildings of today.
Re-imagining architecture

Fuller’s collaborates with some of the 20th century’s major creators, thinkers, architects and artists has continued to inspire contemporary innovations across multiple disciplines. Also, Fuller’s thinking and inventions was ahead of his time, and one which aged well to today.

Also, he devised a way to combine design and science with a mission to change the world. His architecture inventions include free standing truss structures which fuller is known for.

Additionally, Fuller touts of his ideas have undergoing a process of emergence by emergency. Necessity is the mother of inventions when they are needed badly enough. Somehow we do take such structures for granted today, not knowing much of the origins of the designs.

Some examples includes a novel circular house called the Dymaxion house made out of steel which is like a throwback from the cartoon Jetsons.
Moreover, the galleries allow you to have a hands-on of Fuller’s various structure inventions. At the rear of the gallery are small activity areas where you can construct your own mini truss structures. Also, this is done using the various tools and stationary provided. Other interesting items here includes a wall of toys. Such as a which is a tiny ball when folded and unfolds into an impressive large sphere. It does bring about the understanding of the term “bucky ball” and how it came about.
Mapping the world
Furthermore, interestingly, Buckminster Fuller had worked tirelessly to create “passenger-caretakers” in what he called “our spaceship Earth”. It is an ideology that all human beings were passengers on Spaceship Earth. Like occupants and crew of a large ship, the people onboard had to work together in order to keep the planet functioning properly.
Additionally, Fuller was driven by his vision to have our planet work in cooperation at 100% capacity for 100% of the population without causing harm. Also, during his lifetime, Fuller foresaw the many global crises humanity. Also, a small minor section is fuller interpretation of the world map as a polygon instead of the usual round globe we are familiar with. An ingenious idea indeed. The advantage of the polygon world map by fuller is that when unfolded and laid flat, it retains the relative scale between continents and countries.

This allows for a direct country to country comparison of surface area of continents, which would otherwise be skewed by traditional round globes. Also, the section closes off with a dark projection room showcasing an animation of various population assessment of fuller’s polygon map.
Ending Thought Pyramid

Wrapping up, the exhibition ends with a wall inviting you to pen your thoughts and views of the future. You can do this via small postcards which you can draw using the provided tables and marker sets. Also, the section touches on the various struggles Fuller had through though periods of his life, including depression and even a low points of life contemplating suicide. But he pulled through and kept inventing. The galleries are co-produced with Fundación Telefónica, Madrid. Rosa Pera and José Luis de Vicente are guest curators of the exhibits.
All in all, you be good for Radical Curiosity: In the Orbit of Buckminster Fuller exhibit for about and hour and a half tops. The galleries are not large, but allows you to journey through the universe of inventor and visionary who worked across multiple disciplines including art, science, architecture and design. Entry to the ArtScience Museum exhibition costs $18 for adults with a 3% points rebate if you are a Marina bay Sands member. Also, it be recommended to bundle your visit with another museum gallery of interest for more value, like the Future World permanent exhibition for instance. Great for a half day out at the Singapore Marina bay.