- tick tock
- Used for scale camera fly through
- it's potions class time!
- strange tall ladder is tall
- there are many little easter eggs
- the great feast!
- random robot bits
- The room floor plan
- just like in the movie
- details....
- Did I mention stewart platform?
- random beheadings...
- Attention to needed details
- variety is key
- the circle of wands
- in any production
- the wall of portraits
- more random musings
- talking about vertical living!
- the floorplan
- made out of 3 routemaster buses each
- carpet-y
- Hogwarts Clock Tower
- The Gryffindor common room
- The weasley home (Burrow)
- interactive info screens
- The hogwarts castle!
- Chests russian doll style!
- complete with it's shrunken head!
- More random musings
- Overview of the model sets
- It's Shaun approved!
- the (green screened) invisible cloak
- down to the details
- the potions classroom
- the "wand storage"
- the stairwell is mostly CG
- mirror.. mirror on the wall
- The griffin stairwell
- planetery!
- desk detials
- more info on the handheld
- moving off from the class
- digging the lighting
- spot the random snitch!
- passport punch stations throughout
- The quidditch cup
- overview of the potions right room
- some attention to detail
- set with exact details