- Entering the Chinese garden
- entering the black hole
- ending words from JK
- end ride photos!
- elmo!
- Eco traveller specs
- eccentric neato!
- Ebit simulator
- earthhhhh..
- Dumbledore's Office!
- Dumbledore's office plans
- draggy!
- down to the details
- down for the conservatory entrances
- don't forget your souvenirs out!
- Dolores Umbridge office
- Do not feed your dinosaurs flares
- Digital is of course mainstream now
- digital background info
- digging the overhead projection
- digging the neat modern theming
- digging the lighting
- digging the concept
- digging the beam mist effect
- diggin' the theming
- diggin the queue theming
- diggin the hotrod
- different faces of terror
- Did we say Foooosa?
- Did I mention stewart platform?
- did I mention flowers?
- Diagon alley!
- details....
- details detail!
- desk detials
- desk details
- deception in plants!
- cycling through various lighting schemes...
- custom tapestry done for the movie
- Crystaly!
- crossing the chasm
- Covered here are concept sketches
- could be more fiery
- costuming work desks
- costuming is a big part
- cookie!
- continuing on the tour
- Conservatory ticketing booth
- Connection in London
- complete with set clothing