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- talking bout the need for child restraints!
- mommy I wana ride again!
- chief getting his helmet on
- chief & his children
- wavy!
- All board!
- Bronco rides for all!
- zhis is ze paintball mp5er!
- bangity bang bang
- spat...
- everybody gets a try!
- some cool lookin' sniper rifles on display.
- here we see a demo of robo football.
- a rep explaining to COA bout the robots.
- suits for a bad hair day!
- biohazard man!
- talking bout langame ambiance...
- this is so cool..
- frag baby frag!
- Here we are at Sentosa again!
- night falls as we know inevitably.
- the nights up with niffy coloured lamps too.
- the night is still young!
- guards booth at nite
- COA making his way around the parade SQ
- & trying out the arty guns...
- Primus night Kodak moment
- Zhuang & the moonlight
- lol
- the night is still young...
- We came close to 8000 pull ups end of the 1st day.
- The 3G army exhitbits at the warrior's hall
- techno!
- niffy...
- & heres the main street parade.
- The performing band.
- Band marching off
- The the MP precision drill next.
- free langames anyone?
- the engineer's tractor face board!
- the night lights up
- this are one the few night AOH ever held.
- Welcome to the Shard!
- Inauguration party venue!
- The view from Thames southbank
- Millenium bridge overloaded!
- The Shard before the show
- Nicely framed on the banks
- Lasers!
- Blue shard!