Home 42778

- Purple Shard!
- Red Shard!
- Yellow Shard!
- The lights rotate about 4 colours continously
- Top and bottom lasers
- The lasers link the shard...
- to all the London landmarks
- Close up of the mid floors
- The bottom lasers
- actual floors terminate at 72 floors
- low tides on the embankment
- past southwark bridge
- Overall tower view
- Skyward laser
- landmark laser
- The laser show lasted 1 whole hour
- from 11pm to 12mn
- Such as the Tate Modern!
- The southbank
- Eastside view of the tower
- Blue is the best colour
- On the red spectrum
- In the yellow again!
- The tower mast
- Lasers from the top service floor
- Peeking from the top shard openings
- Overview of the spire
- View with the London Bridge
- And One London bridge in the distance
- Fury!
- Coolies!
- Moving along the embankment
- London bridge
- aye winds aye west aint ta matey?
- commandos parachute freefall
- here we have the street parade.
- roadkill!
- out come the stretcher..
- clap clap clap (gd display)
- with the body cleared, comes the band item next.
- man they are a noisy bunch.
- next is the MP precision drill display.
- followed by some body huggin' street display...
- London bridge hospital in view
- In the cool
- In the flamboyant
- In the red
- of the thames!
- Reflections
- The colours again!