- The simulator was a real crowd magnet and is a favourite among the visitors.
- The simulator is able to accommodate children and adults, thanks to it's adjustable seating and steering mount.
- A view of the dual CPU setup (one for the game and other for processing) with the custom LED fan cooler.
- Secret Hand-held device (patent pending)
- Msc user solution day site
- Vpd 2009 korea site
- Spottewoodie & Conolly
- Belinda & David personal flash site
- Booking calendar interface
- Magenta ASP powered job openings page
- Toybucket Shop
- Sg runners
- Unistrategic events
- Nature photographic society singapore
- Unistrategic HR form
- Henrys world
- Booking management page
- Magenta Consulting HR system
- In tanq online certificate system
- Travelbug.sg travel portal
- Ascalon business website events management (flash)
- Msc Software ASEAN corporate website
- Msc software intranet site
- F1 engineering
- Country Holidays
- Chinese Recruitment Services
- Options essential
- Vpd China
- Profound management
- Benpuah personal site
- Bluehorizon booking
- Anglo-French Travel (AFT) Booking
- Magenta corporate website
- Xuan by meg
- sc_art_floating_city.jpg
- sc_art_battlebot.jpg
- Yearbook schoolmates reunion portal
- Air aroma therapeutic product website
- Tuition Point Portal
- Driving test header
- UCAS writeup
- SC htpc 0126
- SC htpc newboard
- SC htpc display
- SC htpc soundcard
- SC htpc kb
- SC comp powerpins
- SC comp bios
- SC comp boot
- The site is xhtml valid!