- CJ not included. :P
- We had a great time?
- Oh hell yea!
- It was a long day. :3
- That's all folks!
- Here we are in London
- Off Russel square towards the British museum!
- Here we are!
- The main stairs at the entrances
- The main atrium with the majestic trademark glass roof
- Now to check out the exhibits
- Here is the ancient egyptian section
- It's one of the highlights then
- And the place is huge!
- Not to mention free as well
- Many of the smaller displays in glass cases (Greece: Athens)
- An overview of the greek section
- Marble blocks from the west frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike 425 BC
- Neirides
- The iconic Venus
- Many wall artifacts in the Roman Section
- british museum 33
- The Chorsabad
- Few of the many artists spending the day in the museum
- And nudity is everywhere. :P
- Few of the marble craving pieces
- The engraving in the Parthenon sculpture section
- Many of the sculptures are damaged
- but still savagable & viewable till today
- A recliner
- Even artisits these days don't do such great art anymoe
- Niffy
- One end of the Parthenon section
- The Parthenon from Greece
- Segmented marble works lining the Parthenon gallery
- Rosetta stones sections
- This is a nice quiet section
- Real nice that all these stones tells a story...
- ...locked in time
- Egyptian obelisk!
- Eyptian hand Pow!
- Thats all for the british museum for now!
- ETA an electric race car in 100 hours!
- Arsenal at our disposal.
- Grind away!
- Putting the pieces of the chasis together
- Weld to the power!
- Testing fitting the driver compartment
- The main superstructure done!
- Now ot work on the bodywork molds