- Visitors craming into a cockpit
- and even a harrier jet!
- Not so black blackboxes... :P
- WWII planes on display
- Blimps and zeppelins
- Right for the launchpad?
- The launchpad is an educational play area and theater
- With many motion simulators on the floor too
- The activity play area
- For both kids and those young at heart. ;P
- A display dedicated to King George the 3rd
- Featuring 18th century technological advancements
- Simply mind boggling!
- The view of the atrium by the museum cafe.
- A pendulum clock telling the time from simple oscillations...
- ...the catch being it suspended almost 6 floors up, amazing!
- Big rockets must only mean...
- There are many rocket and satellites on display
- Including those courtesy of the US of A!
- The apollo lunar lander
- The exhibit teaches about mans' advancements in space
- There are many expended rockets on display
- including those which didn't quite make it
- Finally on the main walks on the museum
- Lomomotives contributed much to the making of the modern world
- The museum timewrapped in some key speakers for the exhibits
- You can have it in any colour, as long it is black
- The model T, in person!
- Early medical contraptions, something frankenstein will appreciate
- The notorious BMW 300
- Boats, cars, trains on display you name it!
- Awesome V8 for a boat!
- The Rover Jet1 Gas Turbine car
- The stack ol' cars up and personal
- An early energy (steam) machine by the main atrium
- That's all for the science museum for now!
- In London for a walk!
- This time around St Pauls.
- Don't see many of these old buses around anymore.
- Heading towards the Thames
- We get to meet the invisible guy again!
- Crossing the Millenium bridge, with the Tate in the distance
- Guess I frequent this place enough times enough to know every every nook and canny
- Here we are, with the iconic facade
- The place used to be a huge bankside power station
- thus the large cavernous spaces.
- A taste of size from the ground turbine floor
- I feel the air, move, over my head...
- Now to check out the exhibits!
- An art timeline stretches across ever floor