- Umm someone let me in?
- Argh! me too!
- Hey we have the deck to ourselves!
- Picking up some trekkers along the way
- the lake is amazingly calm and tranquil
- it's coming down again
- so we are pretty much grounded in the shelters
- But at least there's a nice bar here. :)
- And we even made new squirrel friends. :P
- wave at the mountain trekkers!
- no man is an Norfolk island
- Off at the docks!
- the lake side "beach"
- A stream running towards the lake
- the water is unbelievably sparking clear!
- few of the commercial establishments around the town
- presumably orginating from the highlands given rain
- Next Helvellyn!
- And our mountain trek begins up this path!
- Moving up along the streams
- Helvellyn, turn right!
- grazers, they are everywhere!
- The cloud covered mountain peaks
- The mountain top grassy plains
- The grass is always greener on the other side!
- Never a bridge too far!
- Passing through the highland woods
- Neat stone path!
- Oh look and ancient! :3
- Views getting better which each climb
- The woods transitions to a gravel path from here
- The path soon degrades into a grassy climb
- Overlooking the trees previously obstructing the view
- scenery galore means photo galore!
- oh gosh look at the climb...
- We were literally climbing into the skies!
- Oh there are trees up here too.
- The stairway to heaven!
- We are as high as the adjacent mountains
- Oh so that's where we came from!
- The Ullswater lake where we had our steamer ride
- Strange, it stopped raining...
- only after we climbed up to a certain height. :P
- But the rain didn't drench our spirits!
- oh yea!, it's like we've climbed above the clouds!
- lake on the right
- valley on the left
- who could hear our echos across the valley
- The lake looks very different from up here
- That's all the time we have on the peak