- the west entrances, look for the lions
- tada!
- Instant entry with no queues!
- 4 floors of arty museumy goodness
- big vase is big
- look at the crowds
- to see one of Leonardo da Vinci's...
- greatest paintings
- The Mona Lisa
- seriously I have no idea why it's so popular
- move on guys!
- Got Mona?
- Mona Lisa ain't the only great painting here
- the place is huge
- did I say HUGE?
- look at roof!
- The painting galleries
- The Gericault (aka The Raft of the Medusa)
- Love the spacious galleries
- given how large some of the paintings are!
- Large stair wells connects the galleries
- The Winged Victory...
- of Samothrace
- they ain't talking!
- few of the many elaborate galleries
- with lots of nudity to boot
- Wall murals
- Busts
- awesome ceiling works
- it's just like in Florence!
- The gallery runs along many connecting galleries
- which are intuitive to follow on the musem map
- despite the size of the museum
- The sculpture hallway
- Pottery on display
- Sculpture hall
- Yup lots of sculpty :3
- a peculiar looking fountain
- Cupid and Psyche
- The Michelangelo Gallery
- aka the Thematic Trails
- People still queuing to get in. :3
- plenty of marble here
- More busts!
- Michelangelo's famous Slaves
- awesome
- Few of the many grand staircases
- See much to see!
- So little time
- people all are painted the same in the past