- And onto planet Z!
- Please mind the step to your spaceship!
- Spinin'
- Standard issue blaster GUNS!
- Zap zap zap
- Emmppperor Zerg!
- Zap zap zap zap
- All in French!
- Space rangers in action!
- It's tomorrow land after all!
- An X-wing, which could only mean
- Star tours!
- The ride queue areas
- Sadly, Star tours the same on every continent
- Next stop space mountain!
- Look no queues!
- Beat that fast pass!
- Awesome, just totally awesome ride
- The powered launch tube view on the side
- paris disneyland 140
- Autopia!
- Not quite operational
- The castle from afar
- The CLAW!
- Shops near the exit
- Very nice early American theming
- I can say, visiting Disneyland on Xmas with the snow..
- does bring out the Xmas magic alot more
- Look Santa!
- And so, that's all folks, for now!
- Into the wilderness
- At the St Pancras railway station London
- For the Eurostar to Paris!
- These train reach 200kmph average
- Talking about some serious damping!
- The cool looking interiors
- Onward Paris Gare du Nord!
- It's a long train alrite
- Chilling out at the train's bar
- Pretty Retroque!
- Here we are in Nord!
- Trek Trek Trek!
- The Gare du Nord station
- Connecting through the Paris Metro
- The metro's is one of the best ways to get around the city
- It's no London and the route's are pretty straightforward too
- Art murals in the underground
- Up at Cluny!
- View from our Hotel
- Back in the underground