- Hey hey kids!
- the ride!
- Now, for Simpsons...
- more weirdos!
- pimple weird
- even weirdier!
- weird!
- not to mention bridges from San Francisco around the corner
- and fancy gardens nearby
- at least we have coke!
- crazy agents
- can't remember a thing, al I have are these dinky photos
- after being neuralized by agents
- The post ride section
- we ARE not alone
- my awesome high score!
- zap zap zap!
- this is not a drill, not a drill!
- Alien Attack!
- zappy!
- onward!
- don't judge a gun by it's size!
- your standard issue blaster cadet!
- it's 3 in line!
- cadets in waiting
- The Men In Black training facility
- please dispense your belongings in these recepticles beforehand
- MIB style!
- Ready to bust some aliens next?
- the pimple river from afar
- the Fear Factor amphitheater
- we have a winner
- floating!
- take the bull's eye!
- one up!
- complete with levitating cars
- down to the final 2
- the main challenge
- now for a body part milk shake!
- ah, bugs, that's too easy
- played with park guests
- only live!
- just like the one on TV
- next up...
- I will settle for this one instead!
- including some overgrown ones!
- got sharks
- back to the beach shops
- the loading docks
- there is no shark right?