- IMG_2965_shell_eco
- IMG_2964_shell_eco
- IMG_2946_shell_eco
- IMG_2944_shell_eco
- IMG_2933_shell_eco
- IMG_2928_shell_eco
- IMG_2923_shell_eco
- IMG_2918_shell_eco
- IMG_2912_shell_eco
- IMG_2906_shell_eco
- IMG_2903_shell_eco
- IMG_2902_shell_eco
- IMG_2900_shell_eco
- IMG_2897_shell_eco
- IMG_2892_shell_eco
- IMG_2889_shell_eco
- IMG_2886_shell_eco
- Signing the car
- IMG_2880_shell_eco
- IMG_2868_shell_eco
- IMG_2862_shell_eco
- IMG_2854_shell_eco
- Eco traveller specs
- NY Venture III
- IMG_2849_shell_eco
- IMG_2844_shell_eco
- IMG_2843_shell_eco
- IMG_2841_shell_eco
- IMG_2839_shell_eco
- IMG_2837_shell_eco
- IMG_2836_shell_eco
- IMG_2835_shell_eco
- IMG_2831_shell_eco
- IMG_2830_shell_eco
- that's all folks!
- a seal of excellence!
- ending words from JK
- so many to see!
- trival fact discussions with staff
- who made it all possible!
- wands everywhere!
- there is alot of wands!
- one for each production member in all the shows
- the "wand storage"
- The moat and bottom
- Attention to needed details
- with interior lights too
- Used for scale camera fly through
- down to the details
- interactive info screens