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- Ho-Chi-Minh-War-Remnants-Museum
- Ho-Chi-Minh-Independence Reunification Palace
- Borders UK closing down
- Singing christmas carols
- Christmas get-together dinner
- Performance Skit
- The marathon finisher package
- The 10km 3rd plalce medal.
- Our prize winners!
- And our SP track won 3rd for the mixed team relay!
- The old supreme court
- View of the courts and distant finish line
- There are still a handful of runners finishing past 1pm
- The finish line (at 1.30pm)
- Performances by the motivational groups (this one won)
- The idea of meetings points is a nice touch
- There are lotsof open spaces this year!
- The kids play area
- Overview of the padang
- Performances by the padang
- The kids art booth
- The marathoner massage area
- The admin, drinks and rest areas
- Baggage collection take aobut 5mins average, fast!
- The mid morning baggage collection area
- Long snaking baggage queues
- In the wee early morning at about 4.50am
- SCM 2006 Running route 42.195km
- Thats 4 pallets for the day!
- Packed stuff
- A salty situation
- The afternoon at the boys brigade