- BKK-bistro-bar-021
- BKK-bistro-bar-020
- BKK-bistro-bar-019
- BKK-bistro-bar-018
- BKK-bistro-bar-017
- BKK-bistro-bar-015
- BKK-bistro-bar-014
- BKK-bistro-bar-013
- BKK-bistro-bar-012
- BKK-bistro-bar-011
- BKK-bistro-bar-009
- Watch your step!
- A tight squeeze!
- lets do it again!
- touch down!
- landing landing!
- approaching the landing area
- Bank bank!
- views are really nice from up here
- and whoa! deceleration
- chute out!
- overall shot!
- awesome!
- not a li longer!
- time to pull the chute yet?
- behold the fast approaching ground!
- who's your daddy?
- yoyo!
- WHO's the man!
- piece of cake!
- Tongue outs!
- flap flap flap flap
- skydiving ahoy!
- The feeling or freedom
- before terminal velocity
- owning the acceleration
- The first 2 secs of the jump are priceless
- wheeee!
- whee!
- which we won't be landing with!
- All board the plane!
- Ready to dive?
- Onward home!
- Where's the cave again?
- And Zack our coach driver
- Meet our cave guides!
- The team out of the hole!
- My happy helmet
- Daylight!
- Fungi! there is good airflow here