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- Over the Olympic flame
- A fireworks display for the night
- Thats all folks! for now!
- A closing view of the bridge and the resort
- The youth olympic mascots and the flame
- Coupled with a light show
- The Youth Olympic flame in the distance
- The Singapore skyline with the light beam show
- and the hotel block too!
- The helix bridge all lit up
- Outside the convention center at nightfall
- Several underground linkways serve the shops & hotel
- Looks awfully similar to Mandarin hotel
- A walk towards tower 2 and 3
- The buffet is packed!
- The place serves an international spread for $80/head
- The dessert spread in the buffet
- The first tower is quite a top spectacle
- The nice glass wall links between the towers
- Unlike hotels in Vega, this hotel block is seperate from the Casino
- The linked glassways spanning the 3 towers
- The front hotel facade.
- The adjacent iconic hotel blocks
- Killer spikes at the Casino entrances. :3
- Loads of ATMs to keep the gamblers loaded. No cash deposit machines though. :P
- The entrance to the casino
- Kids at the Casino?
- Mmmm lots of glass...
- which is far from a spectacle, really
- With a little canal running it's length
- Inside the main building
- Shaun hanging off a line!
- 2 cranes, one view
- Giant wishing satellite?
- The front of the convention center, shops & casino
- Oh so that's where we are all along.
- The CLAW! (we will be eternally grateful!)
- A magnificent sunset