- Look at the crowds after the speech
- a kodak moment with the president
- the artpiece reads "I love the world peace" in chinese
- Presentation of appreciation token to our president, SR Nathan
- Ben the Rat! (hey isn't that my quote?)
- & now we will hand the mike to...
- No you are not seeing double, Cous gordon took the pictues..
- Followed by cultural performances
- Our MC for the day
- A few highlight of the event during Ben's speech
- Inside the theatre..
- & her chi wha wha dance thereafter...
- Here we have our little mei mei by the art
- Shot by his bro, Cos Gordon The theatre before the event
- They even have cool funky front steps!
- & few of the participating schools
- The event sign as it is! By my own Cousin Ben!
- Camera Test Pic 1
- Camera Test Pic 2
- Camera Test Pic 3
- Yawn? I don't think so!
- Thats all folks, see ya next year!.. maybe...
- The con ended with some legal talks, not to mention belly dancing.. ahha..
- But I guess "other" drinks can be purchased though...
- Not to mention arrr, free flow of tea & coffee?anyone?
- Mmm food.. couldn't get enough of it...
- getting ready for our 2nd half of the match
- if you can see closely thats an RC helicopter flying above the table
- Ahha green team wins again!
- the fun part is not only shooting each other, but crushin' & pushin' each other ring-out too!
- Boys & their Toys...
- for a RC version of the arcade game: "Tokyo Wars"
- But most of us ended up upstairs anyway
- a good spread.. & they keep replenishing! whoa!
- & for our mid break FREE goodies from SHINE!
- A shot of the event shirt
- "The place is roughly filled with about 300 people I guess": mrbrown
- divers, flicker & stuffs
- we have cowboys...
- mrbrown couldn't get enough of the ongoing IRC chat!
- followed by various communities & people introducing their blogs
- The session begins with a short intro
- & the place is getting crowded already!
- Final preps for the con
- The place is getting grovey already
- Relatively cramped but otherwise, ok
- The dance floor is now a center stage thingy
- Finally in the club...
- Having designed a nomination T-shirt design gives you a free shirt but not an express pass either!
- Good thing MSN gave us the place