- Look a viper!
- Jeff has one too!
- A scorpion!
- The place is nicely lit in the night
- Time to hit the dunes back!
- Refilling our 4x4 tires before hitting the highway again
- Back at our hotel by 11pm! Thats all folks!
- Up in the morning!
- For a quick morning tour of the hertiage sights in Dubai
- Open top buses just like driving a convertible!
- Some of the great sights along the way
- The Dubai Skyline in the distance
- Here we are at the Creek
- Along Al Seef Road
- A mix of old and new boats alike
- We will be having a river cruise here later in the day, but first...
- The back in town for...
- The Dubai Musesum!
- It's located in the Al Fahidi Fort right in town
- The Museum entrance
- No historical museum is complete without cannon entrances!
- Inside the main fort
- Beached boats.. mmm
- Looks like this won't be much of a use... :P
- An open well, with ground water too!
- There are many tents you can never fit into
- Lets head indoors!
- Few of the air conditioned displays
- Inside the traditional straw houses
- Inside a living area
- The houses are surprisingly cool under the sun
- Hey another beached boat... :P
- A golden cannon is always cooler
- The displays follow on to an underground basement
- With several walk through displays to offer
- It touches much ont he past developments and history of the dubai and the creek
- Various interesting setups
- All in much needed air-conditioned comfort! :)
- A remake of a town walk, with several stores of an era forgone
- featuring displays of commercial...
- And daily dosmestic life, like in the markets
- 2 funky dudes... :3
- Teaching with a stick. :P
- A display of traditional clothing
- Sir 10,000 AED for the Camel? Mmmm
- Underground oasis are always welcomed!
- Very tempted to find RPG loot in these jars.
- These jewels gives the wearer +5 fire resistance
- A flashed shot in complete darkness
- Here, we have a display of creek activities