- themed as turtle shells!
- the ride's an extended spining coaster
- Need some cleaning?
- Themed as the australian habour
- The ride loading area
- The humorous queue line theming
- Lets ride the EOC!
- Genie and lamp included!
- Got aladdin?
- Care for an oil change?
- The fastest pitcrew in the west!
- See you again intergalatic heroes!
- More of the Toy theming
- Got U?
- Oh so that's where the ball went
- now that's a boner!
- Slinky!
- The place's nicely themed with various off-the shelf flat rides
- And an in-line shuttle
- such as this tamed drop tower
- place mostly decked with kiddy rides
- Honey who shrunk the parkguests?
- The Toy story playland!
- what's next?
- we still need to check in!
- insert obligatory caption here
- The ride totally rock man, this Vekoma coaster owns!
- the look of: "omg that was freaking great"
- zamboom!
- All board!
- One which does inversions too!
- Calling a super stretch they say?
- complete with holographic band members!
- themed to a recording studio
- the entrance of the ride
- fast pass your way in!
- beat the queues!
- some aerosmith!
- but first...
- The Lich king speaks!
- lets go some some earth!
- :P
- Overview of the parl's west end
- heard they have very good hotel service
- We should be checking in soon...
- back on the park!
- dragon angry!
- dragon there?
- lunar icecream? not an everyday sight
- garage of fame