- maritime museum 09
- maritime museum 30
- maritime museum 07
- maritime museum 08
- maritime museum 05
- maritime museum 06
- maritime museum 03
- maritime museum 04
- maritime museum 02
- maritime museum 01
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 33
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 31
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 32
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 30
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 28
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 29
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- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 27
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 24
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 25
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 23
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 21
- Sun Yat Sen Nanyang 14 22
- and services to the city
- next stop Luton!
- carrying on the relay
- onward!
- torch bearer!
- all eyes on the...
- up castle street
- Getting ready for the run
- BBC radio field interviews
- over 30 vehicles strong!
- relay convoy on standby
- for punt to road transition
- docking the punt
- towards magdalene bridge
- waves and cheers
- bankside crowds
- no rain to dampen the spirits
- cheering spectators
- close up!
- chugging along
- for various community work
- carried by Edward Roberts of Cambridge
- on the last punt!
- olympic torch spotted
- Security and media crew
- 4 of them!
- A punt convoy!