- Private jets
- AH-64
- F-15SG
- A350 seat config
- A350 crew rest areas
- United P&W
- Israel Aircraft Industries
- Rolls
- Airbus booth
- Welcome to the airshow!
- A350 mockup
- 787 exterior
- China's COMAC
- ST armament section
- Boeing
- Cobra
- Bell helicopter
- 787 simulator
- Exhibition indoor area
- Red Alert 3 Announced
- New 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer
- Reuse Reduce Recycle!
- Form Error Reporting
- Form Success Message
- Email Sent
- Semester 2 Exams
- CNY Closing Fireworks
- Whee! New cardreader for my PC
- With Mod Monteiro at the 70 hr radio gag
- Me?? Honours??? YEA!!!
- Reunion Dinner
- Sushi Comp