- Down the wharf at fisherman's wharf
- look we left dad behind!
- Exploring the caves in Phuket
- Phuket outlying islands
- See you Ohio!
- Ooo the tower all ropey
- The happy family
- And Orcas do jump! High!
- Shamu is a celebrity here
- You won't want to be sitting upfront!
- Dolphin and sealion shows were all packed
- The bungee play areas were ummm... bouncy!
- We saw sharks yea! So did this sign!
- Listen to me! I am older than all your ages combined!
- 1st dolphin spotted! Aww so cute!
- Welcome! says the one who walks funny
- There should be dolphins and orcas here!
- And we are at Seaworld!
- Hey Ohio!
- Mex tacos with chilli! do we look spicy with our taco hats!
- So we got plenty of them!
- This place is known for demin
- That was a bus ride of a lifetime!
- Here we arrive in Tijuana!
- Thats all folks, from the grand canyon!
- boy did that ball had grown!
- Now everybody gets a flake ball!
- and it started snowing!
- you need to be in the middle no where to find a lodge!
- Catch the snokeflakes!
- It started snowing, well flaking!
- Lunch was cool, so was the awesome Imax film!
- Say cheeze!
- Collecting enough snowflakes will give you a white ball!
- Oh yes, I think we are at the grand canyon
- Here is a lookout too see more old rock!
- Oh look president hoover!
- nice rivery canyon thingy
- It always looks the same no matter when you visit
- Oooo Canyon!
- well off to the air on our catered plane of course!
- what are we doing on a vega airstrip?
- A view of luxor from the hotel room
- now thats a bed which makes you feel king!
- but we kids can't touch them!
- There are everywhere! literally!
- No Vegas trip is complete without slots!
- and we get to be all royal-ly for awhile!
- A visit to Caesars makes you all romany in nevada
- Gotta love the happening and neon all around the area