Pular Aur underwater scuba Shot with Kodak Disposable underwater camera (ISO 800 film, no flash, please mind the lack of reds in the photos)

- & schools of fishes!
- not to mention schools
- see sea cucumber!
- lets begin the quest!
- I see a diver with my little eye
- deep exploration starts
- totally rocks man!
- giant stride leap
- returning to the jetty
- under groups can get rather crowded at times
- starting on decent
- more sea cucumber goodies!
- now wheres nemo?
- you should see 2 sotongs here
- coral reef exploration
- 50ft & a ok!
- nope I didn't fart!
- sea cucumber family! (I should seriously stop this)
- me & my dive buddy, Ridzwan
- RZ: underwater kapow!
- me & our divemaster by the sea bed corals
- underwater rope decent
- me wishes for better underwater camera
- coral hide & seek
- we met another dive group who were doing dive buoy practices