Home / Photos / Places / Singapore / National Service / SAF Army Open House 2004 222
- interesting...
- oh man...
- while Head Log hangs for dear life...
- chief getting his helmet on
- frag baby frag!
- The performing band.
- followed by some body huggin' street display...
- there are kids everywhere!
- The ride consist of LSVs, Broncos & BV-206s
- Zhuang 'n' Guns
- The grandstand.
- theres a challenge for the world record of pullups done in an event.
- & here we are at Area A.
- tehehe
- turning into our first encounter
- next we have arty & the primus in action.
- yea, the safari: where the action is!
- chief & his children
- night falls as we know inevitably.
- Band marching off
- heres adventure land (aka SOC ground)
- route leading to the warrior's hall