« 2007
2009 »

- what we are partly here for lies after some stretches of Telok Blangah hill roads
- I spy a dome with my little eye
- more of those information, ummm sign thingies
- there's quite alot of people here!
- wonder where this leads us too..
- holly molly! a whole Donkey Kong level!
- if saving princesses ain't your cup of tea, there always the earth trail
- which runs on ground dirt tracks along with the forest walk
- some photogenic shots above
- and under!
- lined along the forest walk are details and elaborations of vegetation which survived the construction process...
- some of the various scenic and high spots of the walk
- did I mention HIGH? look down!
- don't ask me, I like how this picture was framed
- a view of the hill walk platforms from a distance
- here are some of the inter-twining areas part of the route
- hello I am a dirt track & I miss people trampling on me!
- a quick escape route in case any nature calls
- a view you never thought you can get in central Singapore... (now is that a starbucks joint behind that tree?)
- some of the trekkers on a mission...
- some more stainless steel structure porn
- the whole structure floor is mainly made from triangular gratings with holes large enough to allow leaves/water to fall through,
- some of the various cool night lighters along the floor
- this is the "donate a tree" area of the walk, which showcases few of the longer straight stretches of the walk
- one part of the route even passes by the old Depot road colonial bungalows, 1up for privacy!
- that dome sites near a depot road slip road
- yup depot road alrighy!
- a full view of the few high sections of the platform
- the height is cool, but not scary enough!
- the forest walk ends at the interlinking Alexandra arch bridge
- some nice shots of the arch
- reflecting in the sun...
- view of pasir panjang road from the arch
- I spy what lies on the other end?
- more of the typhoon-shewed welcoming signboards, Hort park is next!
- prior to Hort park is a small little public garden
- a very little stand alone garden, which I think is quite out of place thou...
- here we are at the Horts!
- a park with it's own driveway and address cool!
- the hort in "hortpark" stands for horticulture, which derives from the Latin hortus meaning a 'garden' space... ok....
- we love our hort-ners!
- the built up area has quite few zeny looking areas
- a nice view from the pool side restaurant area
- some of the few architecturally interesting areas
- beyond the ridges lies the "Hort" part of Hort park, thats ... just before the million dollar lawn...
- I just have to get this nice closeup
- the 1st floor houses a multi purpose function area surrounded by nice cushy grass
- grass too cushy I guess...
- signs pointing to more areas of interests
- here are few of the art pieces lined along the park paths