- Shot with dad
- Yummy, yummy crispy & hot on outside, yet cold inside)
- (25th Mar) Sheena: deep fried ice cream buns???
- We had tons of leftover cake for breakfast
- Want some blackforest cake?
- Gordon managed to catch the birthday slice!
- Cheese!
- Cutting the cake
- & theres everybody!
- Family Shot!
- The birthday cake!
- Note the ghosting waitress
- Midway on the course
- uncle, auntie, grandma & mum
- Toying with slices of albalone
- Mmm, when's the next dish?
- Served is a 10 course meal for 15
- Qimei & family
- Gordon's mum & dad
- (19th Mar) Here we are at Yan Palace chinese resturant!