Tallest point in San Fran & the city's Gay district Walk up to the tallest point in San Francisco & checking out the city's Gay district.
- castro_map
- Off from town
- On the historical trolley line
- which is both active public transportation
- and a national history icon too!
- Here we are at Castro!
- gateway to the twin peaks
- and land of the rainbow flag!
- look at that mass of overhead wires!
- it's the gay district of the city
- ditto!
- decked out in pride!
- loads of them everywhere!
- the fastest is from castro, head up to 20 street
- look, man love! :3
- the way up to the twin peaks...
- remember to turn your wheels into the kerb!
- require some neighbourhood navigating
- Up the stairs!
- and more stairs!
- getting higher!
- The juntion between Romain street & Douglass street
- yup, that's the street alrite!
- then you will come to this bridge at the end of the street
- cross it and head straight
- you will hit a school at the end
- The Rooftop Elementary School
- don't take this steps as it leads into the school
- go along Burnett Avenue
- it's a school zone alright!
- the high rise residential areas on the hills
- climb the steps at end of hopkins
- followed by this flight of steps
- through a residential carpark
- it's quite a flight
- alternative to climbing is taking bus 37 up here from castro
- looking good from up here!
- which I will advise for the trip down
- Crestline is the highest street here
- just follow the signs
- Here's the entrance to the summit!
- Sutro Tower in the distance
- The city of San Francisco!
- the sun is setting behind us
- the business district and transamerica pyramid
- the figure of 8 road serving the twin peaks
- heres the south peak
- more steps, this time more grassy!
- The fast setting sun
- Crestline street and the short climb up to the figure of 8 road