- 2018-new-year-day-fireworks
- 2018-new-year-fireworks-stand
- 2018-new-year-float-carnival
- 2018-new-year-fireworks-carnival
- joint poly engineering talk 2013 2
- joint poly engineering talk 2013 3
- joint poly engineering talk 2013 4
- joint poly engineering talk 2013 1
- YuSheng!
- CNY Reunion!
- Foodies!
- London Countdown 2012
- Chilling in Orgrimmar
- Flying over Stormwind
- Dragons in Northend
- Xmas Desserts
- Xmas Turkey
- Xmas dinner main course
- Cambridge
- San Francisco 2011
- I think the fridge fixed!
- Cambridge end of winter
- Bobochaha
- Laska
- Chicken!
- More cooking to do!
- Food's out
- Cumsa Asian Food Festival 2010
- Apple ipad
- iPhone Sync
- Our structural design truss!
- Starting Lent lectures
- Wolfson Dusk
- Xmas presents!
- Avatar world
- Avatar the movie
- 2009 year of the Ox Chinese New Year Greetings
- Create your own Nike Mini Avatar
- Set and track your running targets here
- Nike+ Resolutions 2009
- Happy new year 2009 from Shaunchng.com!
- Shaun's Cambridge Offer 2009
- Team Fortress 2 Engineers
- Singapore Toy & Comic Con 2008
- Menara Kl Tower International Challenge 2008
- The valve Orangebox
- Advertlets down
- My 2007 IPPT in 2008, Sliver.. well at least not a pass!
- N95 Unboxing
- Singapore Formula 1