- ting tong belles 2013 3
- ting tong belles 2013 1
- ting tong belles 2013 2
- The mathematical bridge
- Snowman!
- wolfson_snow_dec09_02.jpg
- Wolfson college in the snow (Dec 09)
- Ice Skating in Cambridge
- Pizza Express!
- Christ's Piece
- St Andrews Street
- St Andrews Street
- Borders UK closing down
- Singing christmas carols
- Christmas get-together dinner
- Performance Skit
- NYAA 2008 prize presentation by SR Nathan
- phiten necklace bargain!
- Sundown marathon 2008 Raceroute
- Inaugural lion city marathon 2008 blog post banner
- EA Tiberium First Person Shooter
- Sonic Santa
- Nokia mystery 6MP camera phone
- The Esplanade Bay (taken with N95 8GB)
- Esplanade Durian Spikes (taken with N95 8GB)
- The Marathon Hazard (taken with N95 8GB)
- Singapore Flyer (taken with N95 8GB)
- Eten M700 Keyboard
- Eten M700 Perspective
- Eten M700 Front
- Designed ProEngineer Scale Model
- Closeup on details
- Stratasys FDM 3D Printer
- My finished starch scale model
- Details are relatively preserved
- Creativity Innovation and Enterprise
- Stratasys FMD 3D Printer
- Our CAD stations
- Z-Corp starch 3D Printer
- Stratasys working on our prototype
- Closeup
- Component sanding
- Medan Indonesia Community Service Trip
- Geoff's Dec06 visit at Vivocity
- We see a Finisher! (SCM 06)
- SCM 2006 Running route 42.195km
- Spinny-ditity!
- Street Side Hawkers
- City buzz
- Cable Cars