- Celebration steamboat!
- Xian de lai Shanghai Steamboat
- Another Group shot!
- The Champion student team
- Poly 50 Track and Alumni
- Clarkquay Central Fountain
- CECT W100 Camera Wrist Phone with bluetooth
- Great Eastern Women's 2007
- Greateastern Womens 5km map
- Greateastern Womens 10km map
- Nokia N95 8GB Open
- Nokia N95 8GB Landscape
- Nokia N95 8GB Menus
- Army Half Marathon 2007 Finish
- Army Half Marathon 2007 Sheares Bridge and SG Flyer
- Army Half Marathon 2007 Skyline
- Terry Fox Run (Run for hope) 2007 Route
- Zippy Gigabyte Swaps
- N95 8GB Edition Black
- N95 8GB Edition Black Insides
- N95 8GB Edition Black Music Keys
- Revised N95i Camera
- Revised N95i Battery Compartment
- Revised N95i Music Keys
- Revised N95i SDHC support
- BMW M1
- BMW z10 2008 Supercar
- BMW z10 2008 Supercar
- Ndp 07 Fireworks
- SP Free Napfa Crumpler Pouch
- CSE Module Cocktail Network Party
- Starcraft 2 Hyperion Bridge (Campaign)
- CitiBank-YMCA HopeRun 2007
- Citibank-YMCA Family Run/Walk 2007 3.2km route
- Citibank-YMCA Hoperun 2007 6km route
- Ngee Ann Study Scholarship 2007
- The Married Man show Rod Monteiro & Suzanne from 91.3FM
- Thats all folks!
- The VIP table and President Peilli
- Buffet Dinner!
- Group Shot!
- Speech by Rotarian Wolf
- Presentation of appointment by Rotarian Wolf
- In the Ballroom
- Peilli Our new President Elect!
- Rotaract Installation at SP Graduate's Guild!
- Happy Birthday Darius!
- The DOMO dissected...
- DOMO Kun -ism!