- nyd 2017 3
- iPhone 3G release singapore
- Paypal phishing spam emails
- Civil service college US Talks 2008
- Burger King - Special Thanks!
- The Next Clue
- Spit Ball Challenge
- The Rotaract & Leo Club Treasure Hunt
- Views from my office balcony
- Daily sights & sounds
- Daily sights through the arts district
- Journey to work
- Rarrr I am the angry boss!
- The new menu
- The Interior
- Miss clarity cafe at purvis street
- My Desk!
- The Pok Pok Department Inc.
- My work place office
- Xbox360, PS3, Wii
- Guess who's who? (Suntec National Vertical Marathon)
- Naui Scuba Diver's Course
- Comp Up!
- A day trip to Malaysia
- Lunch Yum Yum!
- WCRC pool
- Helpin" out!