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- pgo nests sept16 kabuto
- pgo nests sept16 electabuzz
- pgo nests sept16 magmar
- pgo nests sept16 eevee
- Shaun's Semester 6 Poly Results
- windows server backup weekly 01
- myippt scorer
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- windows server backup weekly 03
- myippt 24km running
- Spinny-ditity!
- windows server backup weekly 02
- Street Side Hawkers
- Cut the Cake?
- More plastic!
- Large open spaces
- New Balance Realrun 2007, runway route
- Shopping at NTUC
- Oh the humanity!
- The event stage
- Got Cake?
- Arggh plastic!
- Shaun's Birthday 2010 at La Tasca's Spanish Restauran
- Penang Bridge
- NewBalance Real Run 2005
- NBRR07 the start line
- The exhibition center
- NBRR07 10km runners flagged off
- Sem 4 Timetable
- The exhibition center stage
- Singapore Forumula 1 GP (Marina Bay)
- Shaun in the 2007 Standard Chartered Marathon (Photo by Redsports.sg)
- Our Prize winners!
- My SGRunners Achievement Certificate!