- Feeding time...
- Chomee chinese stuff!
- The pen nibs and stand
- Meegoreng? Goreng!
- Borders UK closing down
- Engineering prep course
- Operation Chicken Lice!
- Last minute bargain purchases
- Yea! cookout!
- Bwarr da hands!
- View of the dining hall
- Everything tastes like chicken!
- Vote Earth Switch Shepard Fairey
- into THIS!
- Club? Umm Night Dance!
- The superfluous unsecurement
- Sainsburys!
- Endless possibilities with a tablet!
- The wolfson Lee library
- Wolfson college in the snow (Dec 09)
- With the shell fuel team
- The formal hall long tables
- Downtown Cambridge city
- Bike overload!
- Table games
- Common lectures
- Raikkonen tires
- The fancy box
- At the pitstop area
- Happy new year 2009 from Shaunchng.com!
- The cambridge engineering department
- The buzzles of the pit area
- Mmm warm tires
- Cumsa games day (wii)
- The cool OLED screen
- Slug fest!
- A view of the area
- wolfson_snow_dec09_02.jpg
- The Meegoreng cookout gang!
- Robot soccer matches!
- Wacom intuos4 medium box
- College matriculation Dinner
- Testing the Intuos 4
- The college panel
- Cheese!
- Look me, look cars!
- At the turn1 granstand
- Live data from our kangaroo tvs!
- Snowman!
- intuos 4 vs the intuos 3 (both medium)