- cny 17 rooster deco 2
- cny 17 rooster deco 1
- Loaded revision study table
- Late night study at Wolfson Library 2am
- Breadtalk 2008 China relief fund panda
- Trinity Cambridge 2008 Prospectus
- Changi South Lane Viewed
- Changi South Lane SLA map
- Animated toilet mirrors
- Arghhh! Ads are everywhere now!!
- 4D3N Round Island Trekking Expedition
- & man was it crowded at the stadium
- The Finishing Line
- Nice view of the CBD U-turn @ Fullerton
- Group Shot!
- New Paper Big Walk 2006
- The Walking Trio
- Track & Field shirt design
- Track & Field shirt logos
- Ready for Big Walk 2006
- Anakin & Obi-wan fight scene
- Full CG environments
- Darth Vader in making