- ting tong belles 2013 3
- ting tong belles 2013 1
- ting tong belles 2013 2
- Ice Skating in Cambridge
- Pizza Express!
- Christ's Piece
- St Andrews Street
- St Andrews Street
- Sonic Santa
- Nokia mystery 6MP camera phone
- The Esplanade Bay (taken with N95 8GB)
- Esplanade Durian Spikes (taken with N95 8GB)
- The Marathon Hazard (taken with N95 8GB)
- Singapore Flyer (taken with N95 8GB)
- Geoff's Dec06 visit at Vivocity
- & free wi-fi for anyone!
- sux is the brew of the day
- Chillout at breko
- Orchard's Christmas Deco
- Checkin the departures
- Off to the departures...
- Excited Mum & Dad
- Chillin out @ kopitiam!
- Business granny on the mobile
- Got Holiday?
- Sem 2 Heat
- Nintendo Rufflution!
- SP Plaza
- Sports expo at Suntec
- Stand Chartered Marathon
- Dinner at Swensens