- Happy Birthday Greetings
- Imperial Prospectus 2009
- Blast Assist on interteam team achiemvement
- Mass medic BBQ for the Infernal Medicine achievement
- Endurance Races gone bad article on Straits Times 20th June 08
- Engineer setup for the Medical Breakthrough achievement
- April Medic Rush on GoldRush
- IA Lesson - Fun!
- Nafa multimedia showcase
- Food Court 6 Poster - Vista Bad!
- Honesty is the best policy!
- Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of the environment and water resources
- Interaction with Mr Lee Hsien Long, our Prime Minister
- Buffet!
- Nafa multimedia showcase
- Looking Spanky?
- Atari/Eden Test Drive Unlimited
- Topload Washing Machine
- Toyota Prius
- Alexandra Canal Park Run Sights
- TF2 Pyro Frenzy!
- Scout teams running into mini and syringe guns
- Pile the plates!
- Bicep Curls
- The special awards 2008
- N95 8GB Sample photo (CintechII Carkpark)
- Welcome to Xian de lai!
- Pecor Threadmills, I like!
- And They are Off!
- Woo just like lego!
- Volvo B9TL Night Service 147
- Celebration steamboat!
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Padang)
- Stratasys FDM 3D Printer
- Details are relatively preserved
- The night party
- Closeup on details
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Night Shot in Pub)
- Myanmar cyclone relief aid flagday
- Burp! Liquor!
- Goodie bag and Stuff
- My finished starch scale model
- Stratasys working on our prototype
- Shaun in the 2007 Standard Chartered Marathon (Photo by Redsports.sg)
- SP sports award?
- Rainy days, rainy days
- What a day!
- FC5 Line dances
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Fort Canning Legends)
- Our track & Field booth!