- Yummy Banna Split
- IT Show 2006
- Epp Bones!
- March World Domination Plans
- SP Admin Block
- Torino Winter Olympics 2006 closing
- Torino Winter Olympics 2006 closing fireworks
- Windows Vista out in Q3 2006
- National Vertical Marathon
- Semester Exams here I come!
- Big Crab Claw!
- Under 20 girls Cat & Opens
- SAA MR X-Ctry 2006
- Under 17 girls Cat
- SuperBus super Empty?
- Semester 2 Exams
- CNY Closing Fireworks
- Whee! New cardreader for my PC
- With Mod Monteiro at the 70 hr radio gag
- Me?? Honours??? YEA!!!
- Reunion Dinner
- Sushi Comp
- CNY 2006 Esplanade Fireworks
- Study study study
- IVP 10000m
- China Town CNY 06 Deco
- My DS-Trainer XI!
- Tried day in class
- Lift Mosh!
- Out the Toilet?
- Bowling for study...
- New Intel logos
- Rainy jam days
- HMV in the morning.
- Hereen in the morning of 06 Jan.
- SG Runner's Year End Chalet 2005
- Spinny-ditity!
- Street Side Hawkers
- City buzz
- Cable Cars
- Genting Ariel View
- First World Styled Queuing!
- Lazy journey
- Where night life, food & shopping bargains lurk at every corner!
- KL Chinatown
- & more food!
- Ahh food!
- Kl City night life
- heck the 20 coaster rounds, wheres food?!!
- Always love that intamin roller