- Animated toilet mirrors
- Arghhh! Ads are everywhere now!!
- Websbiggest.net and Websbiggest.com nameserver check
- Websbiggest.net phishing email check
- Google adsense/adwords phishing emails
- Segway Polo
- Segway Beatles
- Interactive Digital Media Ideas!
- Some of his other exhibits
- singapuahra art display on the 3rd floor with Ben himself
- Night+day bar entrance (singapuahra)
- SP graduation 08 invites
- Paypal phishing spam emails
- The SHF mascot!
- The volunteers!
- Singapore heart foundation Go red for women 2008
- Mother's day dinner at cafe cartel
- The famous cartel pork ribs
- SAA Excellence Awards at Moberly on 13 March 2008
- Myanmar cyclone relief aid flagday
- Nafa multimedia showcase
- Nafa multimedia showcase
- Ezlinkers - Moblerly Kejum buteh snacks
- Ez-linkers in SP
- Dads birthday cake
- Dads birthday dinner at the Red ruby restaurant
- Cake and your companion cube back!
- GlaDOS singing "Still Alive"
- The cake is not a lie!
- The ending escape scene
- GlaDOS your last "boss"
- With joes aside, some of the rather interesting textured walls
- One of valve's portal chamber maps
- Another mass medic BBQ for the Infernal Medicine achievement
- Nus university hall
- Got my Ubber saw!
- The place is packed
- The busy crowds
- Walk round Little India
- Serving selection area
- The table setting and servings
- General setting
- Muthus Curry Eatery Outside
- Scout teams running into mini and syringe guns
- Mass medic BBQ for the Infernal Medicine achievement
- Engineer setup for the Medical Breakthrough achievement
- Blast Assist on interteam team achiemvement
- April Medic Rush on GoldRush
- TF2 Pyro Frenzy!
- Shaun ze DSTA scholar!